Friday, August 9, 2013

Capernaum and the Mount of Beatitudes - Day 2 morning

After spending a night in Tiberius, which is on the Sea of Galilee, we travelled about three miles to Capernaum. This first century seaside fishing village is where Peter's in laws lived and it became the home base for Jesus and his disciples for the three years of his public ministry. A Catholic Church is built over Peter's home which can be seen through a glass floor.  There is a synagogue that dates back to the time when Jesus taught and a couple of his miracles were done there.  The home looks very small and one wonders where Jesus and all of his disciples would have bed down.  Recall that Jesus healed Peters' mother-in-law and that she then rose and fed them.  It is a fascinating feeling to walk where Jesus walked some 2000 years ago.  From there we traveled a short distance up the hill behind Capernaum where tradition says Jesus preached his sermon on the mount.  There is a beautiful Catholic Church built on the spot, which overlooks the Sea of Galilee.

1 comment:

  1. It must be an amazing experience to actually stand in such a sacred place !
