Monday, September 2, 2013

Last post until we get home

We have had an amazing adventure, with only two minor hiccups...both at international airports. In Istanbul, Pastor Dave's IPhone went missing. Then in Frankfurt, his IPad disappeared. The IPad is what we were using to update our blog. It disappeared before we could upload two posts we had written about our driving through Greece and our amazing discoveries made at the ancient site of Phillipi, where Paul baptized Lydia and was imprisoned with his companions. We are now in Germany, in Wittenberg, where Martin Luther lived, taught and sparked the Reformation. Yesterday morning, we worshipped in the church in which Luther and Melancthon preached regularly. We met several of our pastor counterparts from Germany after worship. Today we are touring Luthers home and Melancthons museum. Tomorrow we drive to Menden to visit family friends for a couple of days (their daughter, Ellen, lived with us for 6 months and attended Coronado High School. She was the maid of honor at Jessica and Cades wedding). THIS IS OUR LAST BLOG due to the loss of our IPad. We will update our stories when we get home later this week.

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