Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ephesus - Post 1 August 22

Today, we toured the historic community of Ephesus. In the time of Jesus, it was a thriving sea port between Asian traders in China, Afghanistan, and India and merchants in the rest of the world. Ephesus came to the apex of its power and influence between and second and third centuries (AD). However, several factors led to its demise. The Meandering River changed course leaving Ephesus without connection to the sea and a devastating earthquake rocked the city. When Constantine moved the eastern capitol of the Roman Empire from Ephesus to the city now known as Istanbul (Constantinople when named by his sons after his death), the fate of the city was doomed and sealed.

We decided to make several blog posts for today, because there is so much to share! First of all, we think the cats of the community add much ambiance to this region of Turkey. Many make their homes in the ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus...lounging in the shaded areas between broken Roman columns surrounded and unbothered by the thousands of tourists who visit their world-famous home as if to say: "What's so special about these old stones?" There were two curled up together with one bathing the other immediately to the side of the primary road through the ruins of the ancient city! And of course, the pretty one near the port ships had the advantage of access to real fish which s/he proceeded to toss in the air over and over for fun! Yes, we are missing the furry members of our family...having to settle for the animals left on our bed every evening by our room stewards. This one is for you, Jess and Cade!

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