Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Frankfurt Airport

We're at the Frankfurt Airport waiting for our flight to Rome.  It's 2:30 pm German time, but only 5:30 am L.V. Time. Confusing for the body! We stopped to get a cappacino and saw the Landbergs! They are a young couple who moved from Henderson to N.Y. City seven months ago. They lived in Coventry near the Von Eschens. It's crazy to travel half-way around to world and see people you know in a huge airport at the same time you are there!  Today, we'll settle into our hotel and plot our strategy for seeing the sites of Rome. Of course, we'll visit the Pope and encourage him to ordain women and let male priests marry!  Maybe if he saw an Intern as capable as I.P. Kaitlyn, he'd change his mind!

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